Bird Book

All prints available contact Ian Hadlow. @antiquedecorativeart. +61 401 033 993

Edition 5 +2ap 130cmx 110cm .custom sizes on request

Click images to enlarge or view all spreads here

Feathered friends are the subject of Bird, the latest book from Gary Heery. To capture the birds in motion he erected a translucent tent, creating an intimate and contained environment in which the birds could fly. “I treated it, not unlike any other portraiture situation, as a kind of controlled spontaneity,” he says. The end result is a collection of dynamic, yet almost clinically detailed, images, with each bird’s distinct personality captured in all its glory.

Winner of AGDA Pinnacle Award 2016 designed by Alphabet Studios

 “I treated it, not unlike any other portraiture situation, as a kind of controlled spontaneity”
— From the Guardian - Gary Heery